10am Arrive for 10.30am start
Morning talk with coffee break
1pm Lunch
Afternoon opportunity to explore the garden and nursery* + informal conversation with lecturer and garden/nursery team
Beautifully planted containers can complement the garden and sustain the colour interest during difficult stages of the season. Susie will advise on plant selection, colour combinations and container choices. She will demonstrate the practical aspects and explain how to keep pots looking good during the entire season.
Susie Pasley-Tyler has masterminded the development of the garden at Coton over the past 30 years and gained great experience as a practical ‘hands-on’ gardener. She lectures regularly at the garden school and enjoys sharing her knowledge with a wider audience.
*includes 10% discount in nursery
10am Arrive for 10.30am start
Morning talk with coffee break
1pm Lunch
Afternoon opportunity to explore the garden and nursery* + informal conversation with lecturer and garden/nursery team